Thursday, May 1, 2008


1. I can't stand Alberson's. Unfortunately for me, they are the closest grocery store to my house and my time is short, so I find myself shopping there out of convenience. But their convenience doesn't come with out a price. That price, is your soul...and your money. It's unbelievable how much they mark up their items. It's usually by a dollar or more. So, to make you feel like you saved money and they are heroes they make you get a card. The "preferred savings" card. That translates into the, "you have to get this card so you can buy stuff at what any other store would consider a normal price and then we track your purchases and send you advertisements about them" card. Quite frankly I'm appalled. But, I'm not in a big rush to drive 30 minutes to Wal-Mart either. So, I guess I'll just have to write a blog about how much I dislike Albertson's and their stupid preferred savings card.

2. Crazy Liberal Hippies

3. I can't stand light switches in bathrooms that activate both the light and the fan. I am a firm believer that those two functions should have separate switches.

4. slow internet

5. accidentally pushing the forward or backward button on my internet browser and losing all that I wrote on a note on facebook. ( I just did that, this is take two on this note.)


7. trying to get out of parking lots after a large meeting (i.e. any conference in the church, or large meetings on base)

ocho. when people speak in another language around you and you don't know it

00111001. (some of you will recognize this immediately, others will just realize that since it's right after eight, it must be....). Anti-American Hippies

10. Aquaman

once. losing my car keys, locking my car keys in my car...while running, locking myself out of my house...

12. hosting a BBQ, only to find out 20 mins before it starts, the propane tank has a problem and you won't be able to BBQ.

XIII. Barbarian Boots, especially the ones with little pom-poms hanging off them

14. people who think it's cool to fail at school...honestly folks, how is that cool

15. living/driving in snow

16. getting up early

17. Government standard thin toilet paper in public restrooms

18. People who use the carpool lane to pass. Learn to use the carpool lane correctly!

19. The little reflective bumps on the freeways. I always feel like my tires are going to pop when I drive over them. Those of you who haven't traveled outside of Utah may not know what I'm talking about.

XX. Meeting a hot chick who you can't date because she's either A. enlisted B. a non-member (idealistically she could convert, realistically it's not going to happen) or C. both

21. people who take political correctness out of proportion or who get easily offended by over generalizations. When you're talking to me and I overgeneralize, I absolutely 100% know that it's an over generalization and it's probably a gross over generalization and it's probably not true and there are exceptions to all the rules. But guess what, generalizations exist because generally they are true. Go figure. so, all you people who don't like over generalizations are stupid.

22. Ron Paul

23. not having a computer desk

24. Giving my tithing check to the ward and not having it cashed for like 2-3 weeks. In fact, any check that I give you better be cashed the same week I give it to you regardless of what it's for. I hate waiting for them to clear. Thank goodness for debit cards and PINs. They clear instantly.

25. Hearing the sound, "Irregardless"

26. Hearing someone say, PIN number or ATM machine (this really depends on my mood and if the girl is hot who said it)

27. people who won't admit that being physically attracted to a potential date/BF/GF/spouse is important, nay either #1 or #2 priority.

28. BYU (don't get me started)

29. when you start to write something with a pen and all of the sudden the ink runs out. So, you move it around in circles rapidly in another location on another piece of paper to get the ink flowing again, and then when you go back to write your original document it doesn't work again. Then you repeat the process and it still doesn't work. What is up with that?

30. Losing garment tops or bottoms. I have no clue how my garments get out of sync.

31. gas prices

32. dog's that bark for no apparent reason. What's up with that?

33. Apple's "mighty mouse." This is the second mouse I've had and the little gray ball broke again.

34. playing Tower Defense games on hard. How do they expect you to beat it? I can't imagine anyone beating it on insane.

35. random car problems that cost a lot of money to fix, that always seem to happen at inconvenient times

36. The fact that my 3.5% annual raise got vetoed and my raise is still up in the air

37. Stupid Hollywood stars who think the military gets paid too much

38. most forwarded emails. Although, Robbie does a good job at work at sending cool ones that I actually read.

39. skinny jeans

40. most of the popular fashion these days

41. European style shoes, you know, the ones with ridiculously long toes. They look like elf shoes. They look stupid.

42. people who aren't grateful

43. Gangs and gangsters. I say let them shoot each other out and get rid of them all.

44. Reality TV. nuff said.

45. Spelling and Grammar mistakes. I'm a hypocrite I know. However, if it's something I notice, it bugs me.

46. People who complain about getting hit with dodge balls while playing dodge ball

47. Losing a document because you forgot to save and the computer decides to crash

48. The smell of fish food

49. people talking on cell phones in the library! I will punch you in the mouth bone if you do that around me.

50!!! I think everyone will agree that Sweet Child O' Mine by Guns and Roses is about as kick arse a song as it gets. If you don't think that then you are a commie pig and anti-American and you can just get the heck out of my country. With that said, I went to itunes store and tried to buy the song. Unfortunately for me, my internet was being slow. And it was taking forever for it to do anything. So, I thought maybe if I pushed the purchase button again it would fix it. Well, it didn't. So, I pushed it another 2 times. Finally it download. The problem is this, itunes charged me 4 times for the song. And I can see it plainly on my online bank statement. That really bugs me. Although, considering the song purchased, I decided to let it slide.

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