Thursday, May 1, 2008

Fruit snacks versus Gummies

I've been meaning to write about this topic for a while now. However, I needed to finish gathering my data and thoughts before I pressed, it's that important.

Many of you may not know that I am an avid lover of fruit snacks. So, I decided to educate you about these tasty little treats. Although I will occasionally be seen eating a gummy, I wanted to point out there is a big difference between gummies and fruit snacks and that I prefer fruit snacks to gummies.

From the following data you will see that I have done extensive research on the subject.


-Appearance = Translucent for the most part

-Taste = sweet, mostly fruity

-Chewiness: 10 out of 10. They bounce off my teeth sometimes if I don't bite down on them right.

-Common varieties: Gummy Bears, Gummy Cokes, Gummy Worms, sour gummy bears and sour gummy worms, just add gummy as a prefix and badda bing badda boom.

Fruit Snacks:

-Appearance = Opaque, generally

-Taste = Total awesome sauce, like a party in my mouth!

-Chewiness = your teeth...kind of...just slide right through. A perfect harmony of senses and teeth and fruit snacks.

-Common Varieties = Gushers, Fruit Roll-ups, I want to say shark bites, the generic "smiles," and any other fruit snack that has the right chewiness.

For me, the main difference between a gummy and a fruit snack is the chewiness or viscosity or texture. I can't really find the word I'm looking for to describe the difference. Nevertheless, there is a BIG difference. I hope those reading this understand what I'm trying to describe.

The following are examples of things that try to be fruit snacks but are sorely misguided.

-Hawaiian Punch brand 'fruit snacks.' I bought a box of these the other day hoping for a tasty treat that would tantalize my tongue and teeth. I was sorely displeased with the supposed 'fruit snack.' Not only did they taste like bleh, they didn't 'bite' right. They were way to chewy to be a fruit snack. I give them 2 thumbs down for trying to be what they are clearly not.

-There are some hybrids out there too. They aren't quite gummy and they aren't quite fruit snack. For instance, the Lucky Charms 'fruit snacks' or the Care Bear 'fruit snacks', and basically any that are like them. They aren't translucent like a gummy but they don't have the right chew to be a fruit snack. And they generally taste like crap.

-Cinnamon bears. These deserve a special mention for being the "special" entry into the fruit snack arena. These are clearly not gummies and they are clearly not fruit snacks. What the crap are they?! They're cinnamon bears I guess...You wont' catch me eating them unless you offer me one, and then only then because I'm being polite.

-I don't know how to classify the penny candies you buy at brookside. You know, sour watermelons, and sour apples and grapes, and oranges. The whole fruit salad! All I that I like them...a lot. So, while they may not be a fruit snack, they are definitely a good thing.

-The following entry isn't a fruit snack per se, but more a fruit bar. They are from Jamba Juice. They make them in Strawberry and Mixed Berries. I like them a lot.

If you take anything away from this, just remember that just about anything made by General Mills (i.e. Fruit by the Foot, Fruit Gushers

Fruit Roll-Ups) is going to have my stamp of approval for what is really a fruit snack.

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