Thursday, May 1, 2008

This is just a short little note on a subject that also needed to be talked about. I'm sure most people already do this, but to those of you who don't, I'm talking to you with this note. It's nothing personal, just fix it.

When you give a talk in church or share you testimony you shouldn't end it with, "In the name of thy son,....Amen." This is because you are addressing the congregation and not God.

However, if you were saying a prayer it would be completely appropriate to end your prayer with, "In the name of they son, .....Amen."

To end your talk or testimony you can use any variation of the following phrase: "In the name of....Amen." Just remember to not use, "In the name of thy son,....Amen." "Thy Son" being the key.

I hope I didn't offend anyone too much, but if you aren't saying it right take this opportunity to fix it. Thanks.

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