Thursday, May 1, 2008

Have you ever been hanging out with someone or in a group and there is that guy/girl who is hanging out with you but they aren't really engaged in the conversation or activity because they are too busy texting other people who aren't hanging out with said group? (yay for run on sentences!)

Or are you that guy/girl who is constantly texting while hanging out and can't seem to focus or give your full attention to the activity/conversation at hand?

Well if you are that guy/girl you might want to consider the following. Texting is the modern whisper. My mom told me not to whisper in front of others because it wasn't polite. I generally believe and follow that. I think the same can be said about texting in front of others if you are doing it to an extreme where you are disengaged with your present company. I think there will come a time where there are children's books and little moral lessons about not texting when you are in a group.

I know that it's necessary sometimes to text while in the company of others. We've all done it. But just remember this the next time you want to text while you are hanging out with people. "Texting is the modern whisper."

Also, it's really uncool to talk in another language in front of others who don't speak it. (i.e. Italian, Spanish, French, Swahili, insert a language here). I don't care if you want to practice. If you can't say what you want to say in English or the language that everyone in the room speaks, then don't say it until later when you are alone. It's really annoying and kind of awkward for the people who don't speak the language.

You may be thinking to yourself, "Well, I'm sure you've done both of the afore mentioned things." To that I say, yeah, I'm sure I have, but I'm trying to make a difference now and change it.

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