Thursday, May 1, 2008

Cool Guys Give the Head Nod, or do they...

So, I was at work the other day helping set up the decorations for the Air Force ball. See, the Air Force is turing 60 this year so it's a big to do. They have all sorts of sweet decorations and planes in the hanger where the ball is going to be held. Now, the hanger where the ball is going to be held is attached to building 1600. Building 1600 is like an indoor city. It's that big! It's so big it has street names and street signs on it's halls to let you know where you are. It even has a fitness center in it and a little restaurant. It was while I was walking down one of the named hallways that a most interesting and hilarious thing happened in front of me.

Guy cool was walking the opposite direction of me and on my left side about 15 feet ahead of me. He was the type that was built like a MAC truck, had the wife beater on, a pair of sunglasses on his head and "coolness" oozed out his ears (or at least that's what he thought).

So, guy cool spots a friend of his through a double glass door that I would be walking past momentarily. Well, when you're cool as that guy and you see your friend; the almost instinctual movement of jerking your head up a tad towards the direction of your friend (the cool guy head nod) is impossible for your body to resist. What guy cool forgot were the sunglasses sitting on his head. What once was a symbol of pure awesome (or at least that's what he want's you to think) turned into a emblem of embarrassment as they went flying from his head from the force of the head jerk.

Now, I didn't laugh...until I turned the corner. But man...oh man, it made me chuckle to see someone with such a swagger be totally humbled by his lack of situational awareness while trying to be cool.

I don't write this to be mean, it is merely what it is, a funny situation. However, karma seems to find it's way back around to me. So, I'm sure some time some where I'll do something stupid and someone else will write a blog about me.

Until next time, I bid you farewell *does head nod* DOH! *loses sunglass off head*

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