Thursday, May 1, 2008

Tired face McGee (that's me!!!)


Okay, so it's been a while since I wrote a note. Tell someone who cares, cuz I'm tired.


I feel I must address the topic of "Tired Face." The face one usually has when one is a night person and not a morning person.

Most people who know me generally enjoy my company (I hope =P), but most people who know me, also know that I'm a night person and most definitely NOT a morning person (they also know I like run on sentences and using parenthesis to explain things in my posts).


For as long as I can remember I have always been surly in the morning, that is, until I wake up (mentally), and that usually isn't until around sometime past noon, if I'm lucky. It was made even more apparent to me and others through regular attendance of early morning PT during college that I was indeed, NOT a morning person and I truly was surly, nay, sometimes even mean in the wee hours of the morning. I'd get comments like, "Hart, you look tired man." or "Hart, you awake?" even comments like, "Hey stupidface, why you look so tired?" (okay, I admit, the last comment isn't real). But, every morning was the same. I'd come to PT looking like I just woke up (which is entirely accurate, since, well, I HAD just woken up about 10 minutes prior to PT) and they'd make comments about my tired looking appearance. Now, either they never got tired of making comments like that (pun intended), or they had the memory of Dori from "Finding Nemo." (no pun intended, since it was not a pun). But I never understood why they kept doing it.


This brings me to my next point. Today I went to an early morning service project called operation KUDOS. It's basically a mock deployment for kids so they can see what it might be like for their parents when they leave to Iraq. However, the kids get a bunch of candy and don't get shot at, so, it's nothing at all like a deployment. The point of me mentioning operation KUDOS is that it was early in the morn. I got up at 6:45 on a Saturday after going to bed at 1am. Now, don't get me wrong. I wanted to be at the service project and I wanted to help the kids have a good time. But, as in 99.9% of all early morning experiences I have, I was surly and had a tired face. And guess what? I got some comments from my fellow Lts such as, "Hart, you look tired." It's like they think I don't know or something. But, I do. Oh yes, I know. So, after years of getting comments like this, I've come up with a way to get people off my back so I don't rip them a new one. I simply nod and smile. This method usually produces a laugh in the commenter and it defuses my blood rage (cuz it gets really annoying when people tell you, you look tired every time you go to a morning function, cuz guess what people, I KNOW I LOOK TIRED!!!)

(secret and coded)

Is it human nature to point out the obvious? Or do people just think I need a reminder that I look tired? Maybe they think they are joking? People, this is not a laughing matter. "Tired face" should never be laughed at or mocked. It should be cared for, or better yet, ignored. Yes, this is a general call to all the world, when you see me in the morning, just leave me the hell alone. And later in the day, say, past noon or something, I will be my normal happy self. And THEN we can make jokes.

P.S. It's really really really (that's 3 times) annoying when you come up to me and yell, or slap my desk, or make other loud noises just to wake me from my peaceful slumber. (you see, back in school I would sometimes fall asleep in class and this would happen. If I wanted to be woken up, I would have told you. Retard.)


I apologize for all whom I have offended with this post, as you very well may know, it's 1am (that's in the morning peeps) and I'm tired and surly. So, take this with a grain of salt and stop bothering me in the morning. =D

(between paragraphs)

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