Thursday, May 1, 2008

The million dollar question tonight is, "Why are traffic lights so dumb?"

If I knew the answer I'd be rich (and no, there is no pun intended there. That joke was old before you thought of telling it to me next time you see me.)

Okay, so I'm driving home from Family Home Evening tonight and I have an experience that I'm sure many if not all of you have had. I came to a 4 way intersection with a traffic light. As you may also know, there is a window of time between when the light goes from green to yellow to red where you can do one of two things. Most Utahan's (or if you like, insert said bad driver from said state here) believe it to be normal/safe/okay to try and speed through the intersection to avoid being caught in the red light trap of death. That would be your first option. Most other people think it's probably wiser and safer to slow down and just take the red light. There is your second option.

I however was not given the choice to dash through the light or to slow down. I missed that opportunity by coming up on the light when I was too far away and it had just turned red. I won't comment on what I would have done given the choice.

Being stuck in traffic at this red light was like most other red light experiences I have had, and no, I'm not talking about ladies of the night, that's another story. Being stuck at the light annoyed me. Because I don't like waiting at red lights. Who does?

To help the time pass I was burning holes in the other traffic light so I could know the instant it turned from green to red. That most glorious moment finally came and I turned my head to my own light. To my dismay I found that it was still red. So, I did a quick check to my left to see the other light. It was also still red. I thought to myself, 'Why are traffic lights so dumb?" Utterly annoyed and frustrated that all four lights were red and no one was able to go, I waited. I waited some more and finally my light turned green and I thought of this story on the rest of my drive home.

I don't know what devil worshiping mutants set the timers for the traffic lights in Rosamond but they need to be stopped.

An open letter to the City of Rosamond:

Dear City of Rosamond the supposed "Gateway to Progress,"

You are most definitely not the gateway to progress. In fact, you are the opposite of progress. You are crap. Please change the timers of your traffic lights so that the instant the other one turns red, mine turns green. If you cannot handle this momentous task then please send the City of Lancaster to do your dirty work.

P.S. Your traffic lights suck.

P.P.S. Your town hasn't changed much since "circa 1950's." Some gateway to progress...


Redfaced in Rosamond 

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