Please skip to the end for the short review if you don't want to read a poorly written, long winded review of HALO 3. That is all.
A couple of weeks ago I was tasked to host a HALO 3 "team building event." Tasked = assigned. I didn't know this until I joined the military. So, I was tasked by my Squadron Director, Mr. Wilson. He's a big gamer and he knew I liked games too, so I guess 1+1 happened.
So, I proceeded to get the word out to my squadron, the 95 MSSS! I sent an email with a cool slide attached and I talked it up to people and made announcements at PT. To my dismay, we only recruited about 5 people. This was bad because we had 8 Xbox 360s and 8 TVs. I was filled with relief when some random kids filled in the extra slots and promptly my relief was replaced with frustration as the teenagers proceeded to rock all of our worlds. Which brings me to my point, HALO 3: A Review.
Previous to the "Team Building Event," which is really just a justified excuse to get out of work for a while, I had never played HALO 3. I had played my fair share of HALO's 1 and 2 and was sure that my skills would some what transfer over. They did...some what. The game play for HALO 3 was about the same as the first two. The button lay out was the same with a few new exceptions and tricks. Although, I'm not a very big fan of the play style of HALO in general. I don't like the fact that you can just run around and jump and juke bullets. To me that is just plain stupid. I like games that you actually have to use cover and tactics to fight. But the Graphics were pretty insane compared to it's predecessors, and the new weapons were really fun to use. I especially like the gravity hammer and being able to dismount a heavy machine gun from a platform and run around with it. The levels were also new and exciting, but all this greatness soon started to lose it's luster as me and the others kept getting beat down by these punk teens.
We were all good sports, but I know the "95 MSSS Team" probably would have enjoyed it more if we weren't being killed every 2 seconds...or at least I would have. Now, we did win a team game against them, barely. But we out numbered them lol...which is sad.
Lessons learned and re-learned and after thoughts:
1. HALO 3 is more fun when you play with people about your skill level, up or down a few levels.
2. HALO 3 is more fun with more people.
3. Teens are good at HALO 3 cuz they don't have real jobs, or much of anything better to do. I know, I was once one. Although, I was spending my time getting good at Warcraft II at the time.
4. Teens like beating adults
5. In a street fight my team would have kicked those teens butts to china and back!
6. I have a real job and they don't and I don't live with my mom and they do.
7. I ate too much Panda Express before the event and I was feeling it...
8. I proceed to work until 7pm after I was done with HALO 3 which ended at 4:30. Working late sucks, but is sometime necessary.
9. I was also tasked to be the Christmas Elf for our work party this Christmas...yay and whoopee!....Who do they think I am, Dwight?
10. I'd give HALO 3, 4 out of 5 stars ****
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