Thursday, May 1, 2008

Life Update

So, I just realized the "staying in contact" power that facebook has. It's just like the old adage, or however you spell it, you never know what you miss til it's gone, or however it goes. I'm rather pleased with facebook right now and all it's potential to know all that's going on in my friends lives and vice versa. Also, on I will admit today that on rare occaisions on days like today, I actually miss being in Utah. Well, not so much being in Utah, but being around my family and friends.

Also, I have been in Mississippi the last month and a couple of weeks training my brains out so I can do human resources for the Air Force. It's been okay. The surrounding area is very depressing to me. I feel like I'm in the middle of a blown out warhammer 40k city. There is still so many buildings down here and areas that are just trashed from Katrina. I went to New Orleans the other day and holy crap, talk about deralict. I was actually going there today, but I slept in and missed my bus lol. I guess that's what I get when I'm the designated driver for my friends here and they stay out til 4 am. Btw, drunk people are very funny and usually fun to be around. I've learned more about alcoholic drinks in the last 2 months than I've ever learned in my life.

I'm not dating anyone, although I'm not opposed to it. I just haven't found the right person. I have a few lady friends that are pretty cool though. And I'm not throwing out any possibilites there either.

Being a 2 Lt in the Air Force has been pretty sweet too. The pay is nice, the opportunities are great. My boss told me that I will most likely be deploying sometime in the future. I told him great. I actually wanted to go asap so I could get my own picture of what is going on over there. I want my own story to tell. I hate listening to media heads who don't know shiz and all they do is spin the story so they can make themselves and political views look good and bash on others. Anyway, so, that will be an interesting experience when I go.

I like being in the church outside of Utah. It feels like more of a chance to serve and there aren't as many bozos to deal with. I look forward to feeling more whole someday =).

I guess that's about it. Thanks for reading this shiz.

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