I have pretty defined veiws of ghosts and spirits and the paranormal. I believe that spirits have and can visit people, be them good or evil. I even am inclined to believe that we have the agency, when we die, to "go into the light" as they say or or not to. But I haven't been inclined to believe in mischievous ghosts or what the Germans would call, poltergeist. That changed today.
I keep my registration and inspection check in my car like most people. Well, this afternoon when I went to get something from my car I looked down and saw my registration all wet. I was like WTF! I looked closer and it was a clear brown liquid. It looked kind of like coke. However, I never drink Coke, or Pepsi for that matter. And I didn't have a Dr. Pepper in the car either. I don't know what happened or why they were soaked, but it pissed me off. I really have no idea what happened, so the only logical answer is poltergeists were chillin in Captain Corolla and decided to spit Coke all over my car registration. They may have won the battle, but I'm gonna win the war. Now's where's that number for the exorisist?
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